Jean-Frédéric Paulsen

Jean-Frédéric Paulsen


Jean-Frédéric Paulsen dołączył do Rady Dyrektorów Ferring w lipcu 2021 r., a w 2023 r. Został Prezesem Grupy Ferring. Od 2020 r. jest prezesem Ferring Ventures SA i wiceprezesem Państwowego Funduszu Emerytalnego Gruzji. Jest także przewodniczącym Międzynarodowej Szkoły Ekonomii na Uniwersytecie Państwowym w Tbilisi, a wcześniej pełnił funkcję starszego doradcy czterech ministrów gospodarki i zrównoważonego rozwoju w Gruzji. Przed dołączeniem do Ferring Jean-Frédéric Paulsen pracował w Mars Inc, Coca-Cola i Credit Suisse. Uzyskał tytuł magistra finansów w London School of Economics and Political Science i jest członkiem Chartered Institute of Management Accountants w Wielkiej Brytanii.

Jean-Frédéric Paulsen

Member of the Board of Directors

Mr. Paulsen joined the Ferring Board of Directors in July 2021. Mr. Paulsen is also Chairman of Ferring Ventures S.A, in addition to other activities. He previously served as Senior Advisor to four Ministers of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia and has worked at Mars Inc, Coca-Cola and Credit Suisse.

He received a master’s degree in Finance from the London School of Economics and Political Science and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK.

Jean-Frédéric Paulsen

Member of the Board of Directors

Mr. Paulsen joined the Ferring Board of Directors in July 2021. Mr. Paulsen is also Chairman of Ferring Ventures S.A, in addition to other activities. He previously served as Senior Advisor to four Ministers of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia and has worked at Mars Inc, Coca-Cola and Credit Suisse.

He received a master’s degree in Finance from the London School of Economics and Political Science and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK.

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Ik bevestig dat ik een professionele zorgverlener ben of een zakelijke relatie heb met Ferring Pharmaceuticals


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