Nasza historia
Firma Ferring ewoluowała i rozwijała się, odkąd Frederik i Eva Paulsen założyli firmę w latach 50. XX wieku. Zespół zbudowany jest w duchu innowacyjności i dążeniu do tworzenia zmieniających życie terapii dla osób, które ich potrzebują.
Nasza historia i kamienie milowe
Odkryj historię firmy Ferring
Rozwój firmy Ferring to historia ludzi i peptydów. To dalekosiężna wizja kreatywnych naukowców, aby wykorzystać fundamentalną rolę hormonów peptydowych w kontrolowaniu wielu kluczowych procesów organizmu w celu opracowaniu medycyny na warunkach własnych organizmu. To także wizja przedsiębiorczości podszyta wyzwaniem aby te leki były dostępne na całym świecie.
Historyczna linia czasu
Ferring acquires Savient Pharmaceuticals, Inc’s global biologics manufacturing business
- by pulseFerring acquires Savient Pharmaceuticals, Inc’s global biologics manufacturing business
Lausanne, Switzerland – July 19, 2005 –
Ferring B.V. and Ferring International Centre SA announced today that they have completed the purchase of BTG (Biotechnology General), the global biologics manufacturing business of Savient Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:SVNT).
“This acquisition is in keeping with our corporate strategy of niche marketing specialty products with manageable physician prescribing audiences,” commented Michel Pettigrew, Ferring’s Chief Operating Officer. “In particular, we will gain the global rights to market EUFLEXXA®, a novel hyaluronic acid product for the amelioration of knee pain due to osteoarthritis. Importantly, EUFLEXXA represents an additional specialty marketing opportunity that expands our US product line beyond infertility.”
Savient’s global biologics business features a diverse portfolio of products including EUFLEXXA, BioLon a hyaluronic acid product for use in ophthalmic surgery and Bio-Tropin a human growth hormone product (marketed as TevTropin by Teva in the United States, as Growject by JCR in Japan, as SciTropin by SciGen in the Pacific Rim region and as ZOMACTON by Ferring in Europe) for the treatment of growth hormone deficient children.
In addition, the deal includes the acquisition of BTG’s modern, purpose-built biotech manufacturing facility at Be’er Tuvia, Israel.
With the completion of this deal Ferring and Savient have also entered a co-promotion agreement for EUFLEXXA in the United States and the companies anticipate launching the product during the final quarter of this year.
About Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Ferring is a Swiss-based research driven, speciality biopharmaceutical group active in global markets. The company identifies, develops and markets innovative products in the areas of endocrinology, gastroenterology, gynaecology, infertility and urology.
In recent years Ferring has expanded beyond its traditional European base and now has operating subsidiaries in over 40 countries.
To learn more about Ferring or our products please visit us at
For more information, please contact
Michael George
Corporate Communication Manager
+45 2878 72 09 KitPress release View0pulseJens Peter Nørgaard awarded prestigious professorship at University of Lund
- by pulseJens Peter Nørgaard awarded prestigious professorship at University of Lund
Copenhagen, Denmark– 28 April, 2005 –
Jens Peter Nørgaard, Ferring’s chief scientific officer for urology in clinical research and development, has been awarded the prestigious Adjunct Professorship of Urology at the University of Lund, Sweden.
Jens Peter, who has specialised in urology and paediatric surgery since qualifying as a medical doctor in 1981, will combine the professorship with his current role at Ferring in Copenhagen, where he has worked since 1997.
Jens Peter is one of the most respected names in the field of urology and completed a thesis on primary nocturnal enuresis in 1990 which has been widely published and referenced in the field. He was also founder of the International Children’s Continence Society (ICCS) and continues as an active member of this organisation.
Anders Mattiasson, Professor of Urology at Lund University welcomed the appointment, commenting that “Jens Peter has an excellent reputation in the field of urology and we look forward to working closely with him.
“It is the fulfilment of a long and fruitful partnership between the university’s urology department and Ferring,” he added “and it supports the Medicon Valley Academy’s objective of building bridges between the pharmaceutical industry, academia and hospitals.”
Pascal Danglas, Ferring’s executive vice president of clinical and product development, echoed Professor Mattiasson’s views. “We have had an excellent relationship with the University for many years, and we are enthusiastic about the contribution Jens Peter can make in bringing closer cooperation between the industry, universities and the public health sector.”
About Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Ferring is a Swiss-based research driven, speciality biopharmaceutical group active in global markets.
The company identifies, develops and markets innovative products in the areas of endocrinology, gastroenterology, gynaecology, infertility and urology.In recent years Ferring has expanded beyond its traditional European base and now has operating subsidiaries in over 40 countries.
To learn more about Ferring or our products please visit us at
For more information, please contact
Michael George
Corporate Communication Manager
+45 2878 72 09 A/S offentliggør lukning af produktionsstedet i Vanløse ved udgangen af 2008
- by pulseFerring A/S offentliggør lukning af produktionsstedet i Vanløse ved udgangen af 2008
København, Denmark – 5 April, 2005 –
Ferring A/S meddelte i dag, at produktionen på virksomheden i Vanløse skal afvikles for helt at ophøre ved udgangen af 2008.
Den gradvise nedtrapning begynder allerede næste år og vil føre til tabet af de 213 arbejdspladser, der i dag er lokaliseret på Vanløse-fabrikken. Alle medarbejdere, der påvirkes, får tilbudt en fordelagtig fratrædelsesgodtgørelse, hjælp til genplacering, træning samt personlig rådgivning.
“Det er en trist dag for virksomheden – og ikke mindst for medarbejderne at erfare, at deres gode, mangeårige arbejdsplads må lukke”, siger bestyrelsesformand Ole Kjerulf-Jensen.
“Selv om produktionen i Vanløse lever op til alle miljømæssige og tekniske forskrifter, vil det i det lange løb blive vanskeligt med de stadig stigende krav, der stilles til moderne produktion af lægemidler, at opretholde produktionen i Vanløse. Virksomhedens nuværende placering giver desværre ikke tilstrækkelige muligheder for den nødvendige modernisering og ekspansion.”
Størstedelen af hvad der for tiden produceres på den snart 40-årige virksomhed i Vanløse vil blive flyttet til Ferrings øvrige produktionssteder i bl.a. Tjekkiet og Schweiz. Den resterende del af produktionen vil blive flyttet til kontraktproducenter andre steder i Europa.
For yderligere informationer kontakt Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S
Ole Kjerulf-Jensen
+28 78 7023Lars Peter Brunse
+28 78 7783Press KitPress release ViewpulseGrand Opening of Ferring Pharmaceuticals (China) Co Ltd – Zhongshan Manufacturing Site
- by pulseGrand Opening of Ferring Pharmaceuticals (China) Co Ltd – Zhongshan Manufacturing Site
Zhongshan, China – 24 March, 2005 –
Ferring Pharmaceuticals (China) Co Ltd has celebrated the grand opening of their Zhongshan manufacturing site located in Zhongshan port on 23 March 2005, the first production site of this Swiss company in Asia.
Ferring’s Zhongshan manufacturing plant comprises 20,000 m2. This GMP-compliant plant is designed to be a two-storey factory equipped with multiple production lines, including solutions for injection, lyophilized products, granules and enema, which will strengthen and facilitate Ferring’s business development in Asia.
The late Dr. Frederik Paulsen, the founder of Ferring, was one of the first scientists to study and develop peptide hormone, believing that they could be used to supplement deficiencies and thus play an important role in the treatment of various life-threatening diseases. His theory has been proved remarkably accurate, and during the past five decades his company has grown from his original research.
Today, with in-house production sites in Europe, research centres in the United States and United Kingdom, the new Zhongshan plant in China, and a large-scale manufacturing plant being built in Saint-Prex, Switzerland; Ferring has become a pioneer in developing and selling pharmaceutical products based upon natural pituitary-produced peptide hormones, serving patients globally in over 70 countries. Ferring identifies, develops and markets innovative products in the diverse fields of urology, obstetrics and gynaecology, gastroenterology, and endocrinology.
Aiming to serve patients with the best and most appropriate products, Ferring is committed to a future in which it will continue to provide new and innovative medicines by utilizing existing skills, and developing pioneer technologies. The completion of Ferring’s Zhongshan plant not only marks success in business development, but is also a valuable contribution to the pharmaceutical industry in China.
About Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Ferring is a Swiss-based research driven, speciality biopharmaceutical group active in global markets. The company identifies, develops and markets innovative products in the areas of endocrinology, gastroenterology, gynaecology, infertility and urology.
In recent years Ferring has expanded beyond its traditional European base and now has operating subsidiaries in over 40 countries.
To learn more about Ferring or our products please visit
For more information, please contact
Michael George
Corporate Communications Manager
+45 2878 72 09 KitPress release ViewpulseFerring strengthens its infertility portfolio through agreement with Metris Therapeutics for Vorozole
- by pulseFerring strengthens its infertility portfolio through agreement with Metris Therapeutics for Vorozole
Copenhagen, Denmark – 8 February, 2005 –
Ferring Pharmaceuticals announced today that it has signed an agreement with Metris Therapeutics for all potential infertility indications of the compound vorozole. Under the agreement Ferring has the rights to manufacture, develop, register and market vorozole in ovulation induction and IVF.
Vorozole belongs to the family of aromatase inhibitors which have shown promising results in the area of infertility. Aromatase inhibitors act by blocking the synthesis of oestrogen and early tests indicate vorozole’s potential to improve ovulation.
Ferring R&D is planning to embark on a full clinical trial development program for vorozole, starting in 2005, with the aim of developing a new treatment for ovulation induction and In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF).
“We are very pleased to sign this agreement with Metris Therapeutics. Vorozole is a valuable addition to our infertility portfolio, which is now the widest in the area of infertility”, says Dr. Pascal Danglas, Executive Vice President for clinical and product development.
Vorozole will complement Ferring’s existing therapies (MENOPUR, BRAVELLE, NORPROLAC, CHORAGON, LUTRELEF and the GnRH agonist DECAPEPTYL), as well as the current pipeline of compounds in development.
“We at Metris Therapeutics are delighted to be associated with a key player in infertility and we look forward to exciting developments for vorozole in this setting”, said Dr Peter Knox, Managing Director at Metris Therapeutics.
The treatment of infertility represents one of the most exciting and innovative areas of medicine, with an increasing demand for successful and cost-effective treatments with a good safety profile, to satisfy the growing number of infertile couples seeking help. With vorozole in the pipeline Ferring has taken another step as a key provider of infertility treatments.
Notes for editors
Ovulation Induction (OI)
Can be used as a treatment on its own, or in combination with other infertility treatments such as artificial insemination, or in-vitro fertilisation (IVF). The anti-oestrogens clomifene and tamoxifen have been used traditionally in the treatment of infertility to stimulate ovulation in women with infrequent or irregular periods, or in those whose menstrual cycles have stopped due to polycystic ovaries. They induce the release of gonadotrophins by making the hypothalamus believe the woman’s oestrogen levels are too low.
In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
The first and most well-known procedure in the area of assisted reproductive technology (ART). The procedure has four stages and involves stimulation of the ovaries to produce and release a number of mature eggs, collection of the eggs from the ovaries, fertilisation outside the body to produce young embryos and transfer of the embryos into the uterus.
About Metris Therapeutics
Metris Therapeutics is a relatively new biopharmaceutical company, founded in 1996. It is located in the United Kingdom and focuses on women’s healthcare and in particular on the treatment of endometriosis.
About Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Ferring is a research driven, specialty biopharmaceutical group active in global markets. The company identifies, develops and markets innovative products in the areas of endocrinology, gastroenterology, gynaecology, infertility and urology.
In recent years Ferring has expanded beyond its traditional European base and now has operating subsidiaries in over 40 countries.
pulsePrestigious ICIQ meeting held at FIC
- by pulsePrestigious ICIQ meeting held at FIC
Copenhagen, Denmark – February 3, 2005 –
Today, Ferring International Center (FIC) hosts for the first time the meeting of the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaires (ICIQ). Drawn from around the world, the ICIQ is an international group of scientists, medical doctors and representatives from pharmaceutical companies, which share a profound interest in urinary diseases and the impact they have on quality of life.
By focusing on quality of life (QoL), the ICIQ aims to break new ground in the assessment of the true impact of disease, in this case urinary disease, on the person him or herself. Whilst medicine has traditionally focused on symptoms, the effect of these on individuals’ day-to-day lives may vary considerably – a complete social disability to one might be a minor inconvenience to another.
Understanding QoL, therefore, from the perspective of the patient not the doctor is an important and hitherto under-appreciated step in correct diagnosis and treatment. This is increasingly recognised by regulatory bodies such as the EMEA and the FDA which have started to look more and more for quality of life evaluations.
Given this, the ICIQ is aiming to develop rigorous, questionnaire-based measurement tools in the field of urology. Urinary symptoms – an overactive bladder, urinary and bowel incontinence and Nocturia (the need to urinate several times during the night) and also for the first time an evaluation on QoL in children suffering from PNE is done – all in conditions that can cause considerable misery and embarrassment, severely undermining a person’s confidence and ability to get through their day.
The focus on urinary disorders is, therefore, both timely and important. The ICIQ is developing questionnaires of the highest professional standard, psychometrically tested to ensure validity, reliability and responsiveness. As these will be standardised, they will enable comparisons to be made between both treatments and countries, allowing patients to make choices between treatments and pharmaceutical companies to assess the true benefits of new drug candidates on patients.
Ferring is actively participating in the work of ICIQ and thus is currently developing a QoL questionnaire on bedwetting children in connecting with the testing of the MINIRIN Melt.
Dr Jens Peter Nørgaard, Chief Scientific Officer, Medical Sciences, Urology of Ferring and based at FIC, said today,
“We are delighted to be hosting this prestigious forum. The ICIQ is doing important work in an exciting new field of study. We are convinced that Quality of Life will become an increasingly relevant part of future treatment assessment and patient diagnosis and Ferring’s long-standing focus on medicine on the body’s own terms makes us a natural partner in the ICIQ’s work.”About Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Ferring is a Swiss based research driven, speciality biopharmaceutical group active in global markets. The company identifies, develops and markets innovative products in the areas of urology, obstetrics and infertility, gastroenterology and endocrinology.
In recent years Ferring has expanded beyond its traditional European base and now has operating subsidiaries in over 40 countries.
For more information, please contact
Dr Jens Peter Nørgaard
Chief Scientific Officer, Medical Sciences, Urology
+45 28787547pulse